Thursday, April 7, 2011

Annalee Dawn Stevenson Born March 12 ,2011

On March 12 we welcomed our new baby girl , she was 5 weeks early. It was such a crazy day and it all started at 2:00 in the afternoon. I had been cramping a little bit that morning nothing to major and I wasn't to concerned , but I went to the bathroom that afternoon and found i had started to bleed alot! and I wasn't in labor! I knew something was wrong and needed to get to the hospital right away so I had my cousin Cheryl come get me right away, and her daughter Caylen babysat for me as Grant was at work in Taber. I got to the hospital at about 2:20 and then it got crazy, they told me I was bleeding to much and needed to do a stat c-section , and that baby was okay for now. Grant and my dad got there right before I was leaving to the OR , but grant was not allowed to come in with me because they had to do a general anaesthetic because there wasn't enough time to keep me awake. Annalee was born at 3:26 pm. She was very healthy and weighed 6lbs 4 oz . pretty big for a 35week old baby. But all the crazyness didnt end there. After my c-section I went to the recovery room to recover , but I wouldnt stop bleeding, I stayed there for 3-4 hours bleeding, while they tried to figure out what was going on. It was so awful. probably the most horrible experience I have ever been through. They had started giving me blood because i was loosing way to much , and then my Dr. decided to do a D&C to see what was going on, but he also said that if that didnt stop the bleeding I would have to have a Hysterectomy. I was okay with that I knew Annalee was fine, and that I could not handle another pregnancy anyways. So off I went Again to the OR. When I woke up I was in the ICU and it was midnight. they had given me 6 Units of blood and plasma ,and I wasnt out of the woods. I was so sick , they had given me so much fluid I was so swollen ,and didnt even look like myself. I had to be monitored for DIC which is when all your organs can start shutting down from shock and blood loss. In the morning i had to have 2 more units of blood, and they told me if i did better I would get to go out to the maternity ward and see Annalee for the first time that afternoon. So after my blood had all run through at around 4:00 I was able to leave ICU. I was so excited to finally see her 24 hrs is a long time to wait to see her for the first time, but I was so happy to finally hold her!! Words can not describe how grateful I was that she was okay and I was okay. Later that evening I recieved another 2 units of blood and then I started to finally feel a little better. We got to go home on thursday the 17th and it was a great day. Having all this happen to me and my family really changes who you are. I'm greatful for my life and Annalee's too! My doctor told me afterward that had I been 1/2 hour longer getting to the hospital Annalee might not have been alive. So i'm not going to take anything for grantit anymore. Life is such a precious gift and I love my family so much. I am so thankful to an amazing husband who got me through it and and for my wonderful family for being there for me through it all. I dont know what I would do with out you.

Our family photo shoot

Friday, December 3, 2010

It's a girl

On Monday we found out the results of our ultrasound. It's a girl , and she doesn't have club feet!!! yay!! Grant and I are so excited ! A little girl to make our family complete! I would post some ultrasound pictures, but they are not very clear, she would not cooperate with the tech. The Tech said we are a week ahead of schedule and due on April 11, 2011. I'm happy with a week ahead of schedule.
The boys don't quite seem so thrilled about it as I do, but I'm sure they will warm up to it. Luca is so worried that he will have to play with barbies. ha ha poor boy probably will but not until he's older. Grant and I do know what we will name her, but we cant decide on a middle name. when we do, I'll post it.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

October 1st

This has been a long time coming. I'm expecting baby #3 April 16, 2011. We are super excited! Luca and Tucker both want a little brother. I'm happy either way. A girl would be nice but it doesn't really matter to me as along as its happy and healthy!Ultrasound picture at 12 weeks along. I"m scheduled to have another ultrasound on Nov 25. Hopefully we can find out what we are having and whether or not it will have club feet or not. I'm hoping for the not part, but you never know.

1st day of school

August 30 th was Luca's 1st day of kindergarten. He was so excited to go. I was so happy to see him go , but it was a little overwhelming. I can't believe my baby is 5!! and old enough for school!! I'm also really glad that Grant was able to get time off to come with me and see him off. Tuckers 1st day of preschool was August 31st , I had to work and wasn't able to take him that day , but my mom did. He had so much fun. I also can't believe he is old enough for preschool. Time seems to be flying by way to fast.

August 6, 2010 Kalispell

Our Friends Joe and Krystle Thomas invited us to go down to her parents lake house on Blaine lake near Kalispell. We had a blast. Luca loved every minute of it. We stayed the weekend, and the boys didn't want to go home. I also had a chance to do a little shopping and it was so fun, prices in the states are so much cheaper! I was able to get the boys some new school clothes and clothes for the next summer.

Joe and Krystle have their own boat, and Tucker kept thinking he could drive it.

Luca was not afraid of anything. First time knee boarding and he thought it was so awesome.

Joe and Grant went tubing, Grant also went wake boarding but I wasn't able to take pictures of him.

The boys decided it would be fun to go tubing as well , even Tucker loved it.

Luca all by himself, he's my little dare devil not afraid to try new things.

Friday, November 12, 2010

August long weekend

August long weekend was a blast. The annual Campbell reunion is always fun, but its seem the older the boys get the more fun it is to go camping, and spend time with the family. Little Parker is such a trooper. I'm so thankful that he was able to come, he is one brave little boy, only being 2 months since his heart transplant. I love him so much!
We also celebrated Kadens 6th birthday, and Bricks 4th Birthday. Their parents spoiled them and they got a little quad to share, boy was that a hit with all the boys.

All the little cousins dressed up and had a super hero day, doing fun activities at each campsite

This is my grandma Campbell. She is the most amazing person I know. Always so kind and loving, and never afraid to show it! I love her so much and hope I have many more years to be with her.

Grant took Luca fishing one afternoon and Luca caught his first fish, he was so proud he whacked it over the head before we could throw it back, he dint quite understand that it was to small to keep, but since it was dead, he brought it back to camp. He was so proud of himself.

On the Monday we went on a little picnic before it rained. We stopped by this mountain creek and let them go swimming . Boy oh boy it was sure cold, but the kids didn't care.

Tucker wouldn't go in unless grandpa went in with him

My grandpa Campbell fresh back from fishing, with no fish though. He is a great man, and I hope that one day my boys can be like him. He is so hard working kind and loving !!

My mom and her amazing sisters , all wonderful women.