Friday, December 3, 2010

It's a girl

On Monday we found out the results of our ultrasound. It's a girl , and she doesn't have club feet!!! yay!! Grant and I are so excited ! A little girl to make our family complete! I would post some ultrasound pictures, but they are not very clear, she would not cooperate with the tech. The Tech said we are a week ahead of schedule and due on April 11, 2011. I'm happy with a week ahead of schedule.
The boys don't quite seem so thrilled about it as I do, but I'm sure they will warm up to it. Luca is so worried that he will have to play with barbies. ha ha poor boy probably will but not until he's older. Grant and I do know what we will name her, but we cant decide on a middle name. when we do, I'll post it.

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