Friday, April 30, 2010

Luca's Surgery

So a few weeks ago we went to the children's Hospital in Calgary for a surgical consult for Luca, and we had good and bad news. The good news was that he only has to have surgery on his right foot, and that his left foot was doing great, and we only needed to continue doing stretching on it.
So his surgery is called a Right Tibialis tendon transfer and lengthening, its really hard to explain, but it doesn't involve breaking his bones only moving and reattaching tendons, and lengthening them as well. It will be a very painful surgery for him with 4-6 weeks of casts, and after wards a new brace to help keep the tendons in place. He wont be allowed and jumping or running for at least 3 months or more. So we will see how his recovery will go. I'm a little stressed , I don't want my baby to be in pain, but I know its whats best for him to have a better life in the long run. I sure do love him. He's one brave little boy

We also had an appt at the Health Unit for his prekindergarten shots. He screamed the whole way there while we were there, and I couldn't even hold him on my lap he was thrashing so much! there was no way in his mind that he was getting a needle. So the Health nurse helped me get a hold of him and she put the first needle in and he stopped crying and said. "oh that didn't hurt" . oh what a little turd he can be sometimes. but he sure does make me laugh!! he got the bear in the picture from the nurse for being so brave, and named him poky.

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny what a crazy kid reading that just made me laugh out loud. Then that you called him a turd was funny too hahaha.
