It sure has been a While but here is whats been going on. In november my mom and dad decided to buy a house on the south side of lethbridge, I think its about 45 years old but it sure is Beautiful. They have renovated the kitchen and 2 bathrooms, and will start renovating the basement soon for my sister Erin to live in. Here are some pictures of what has been happening the last 2 months. pretty soon we will all be done
Here is the Kitchen before & after (almost done) I'll post the finished product when the Tile is all Done. I sure am in awe of my parents, they have done everything by themselves , with a little help from Grant and I . I sure do love them.
After the Kitchen demo, we started on the bathroom upstairs, it was reallly tiny, I had a hard time getting a good picture. Right behind the door there is a nice blue bathtub!!